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Biofuels Energy Technology Platform

Last updated: 24 August 2021

European Technology Platforms are "bottom up" initiatives launched by industry. They aim at bringing together all stakeholders and interested parties in a particular sector or technology area. The objective of European Technology Platforms (ETP) is to develop and implement a common vision for the development of a certain sector or technology area. This includes the drafting of a comprehensive long-term programme for research and technological development in the area of the technology platform. Where the Commission shares the view that an area has adequate potential and that a technology platform would provide European added value for the development of the sector concerned, the Commission supports the initiative. The European Biofuels Technology Platform was launched in 2006 and aims to overcome the technical and non-technical barriers to biofuel use. The BiofuelsTP is focused on aspects of research and development on renewable energy sources vital to achieve widespread use of liquid and gaseous biofuels within the next decade or so. It aims to help in the development of cost-competitive, world class biofuel technology, contribute to the creation of a European biofuels industry and to identify the research needs to achieve this. This includes the establishment of a public-private partnership serving the interests of all stakeholders and providing guidance on and promotion of relevant Research, Development and Demonstration (RD & D). The main contribution is the development of a Strategic Research Agenda and Strategy Deployment Document (SRA/SDD) identifying key RD & D working lines for the next decades, as necessary to achieve the goals outlined in the Biofuels Research Advisory Councils 2006 Vision Report. It also acts as a source of information and opinion on the development of biofuels for transport in the EU. The SRA/SDD was launched at the First Stakeholder Plenary Meeting in Brussels on 31 January 2008. The Biofuels TP is managed by a Steering Committee supported by a secretariat, and its main objectives are achieved through five working groups. These comprise three technology driver vertical working groups covering resources, conversion and end-use, plus two horizontal working groups dealing with markets & legislation and sustainability.

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