The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.
Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures DatabaseLast updated: 2 April 2012
The CO2 Reduction Action Plan was presented on 3 May 2006 by the Minister of Environment, introducting multi-sectoral measures targeting emissions reductions.The Plan includes the following sectors and measures:Transport:-increasing vehicle fuel excise tax-reforming vehicle taxation to encourage low-carbon vehicles-increasing the use of public transportationBuildings:-reforming building code regulations concerning thermal insulation-introducing financial support and incentives for use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. A particular focus is on refurbishment of existing buildings, replacement of boilers, enouraging highly energy-efficient homes-orienting urban planning decisions to account for emissions reductionsRenewable energy:-ficial incentives for electricity production from renewable energy sources-supporting use of cogeneration and biomass - particularly wood biomass-introducting biofuel into natural gas networks-supporting researchIndustry and electricity production:-elaborating a National Allocation Plan for emissions, for the second commitment period of the EU Emissions trading scheme-renewing voluntary agreements-imporving energy efficiency in industryEducation and information:-creating a centralised body for information dissemination, training, and consultation-launching an information campaign (You control climate change)-elaborating a best practice guide-awareness raising of climate change issues in primary and secondary schoolsThe measures elaborated in the Plan are to be tracked and progress measured regularly, while the plan is to evolve as necessary. Implementation and monitoring of the Plan is to be done through a taskforce, supervised by the Ministry of Environment, but which brings together various Ministries (Agriculture, Finance, Housing, Interior, Transport and Public Services).