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klima:aktiv Programme

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 2 April 2012
The klima:aktiv programme, running from 2004 to 2012, is overseen by the Ministry of Environment and managed by the Austrian Energy Agency. The programme aims to support energy eefficiency and increased use of renewables in all sectors of the economy through direct grant support, information, and advice.The programme has four target groups:1) Energy efficiency and buildings2) Mobility3) Communities4) Renewable EnergyThese four categories comprise 22 sub-programmes, aimed at technology and service markets. They develop technological and organisational solutions able to compete on the market, take care of innovative quality standards, and promote training of all relevant professional groups.Six sub-programmes in the renewable energy category aim at:-promoting the right application of efficient heat pumps-providing for the increased use of solar heating in single-family homes, residential buildings and tourist enterprises-encouraging the development of as-yet unused wood resources and-the installation of wood biomass-based heating systems in homes-promoting electricty, heat and fuel production from renewable sources-encouraging biomass district heating plants to become more efficientThe programme also trains klima:activ experts, for example for solar heating or heat pumps.The programme is publicly visible, and will be present at about 1500 events in 2008 - 2.5 million customer contacts, half of them active enquries, are estimated for 2008.

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