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Offshore Domanial Concessions for Wind and Ocean Energy Production

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 January 2018

By virtue of a royal decree of December, 20, 2000, modified by a decree of May, 17, 2004, the Minister for Energy from now on can deliver domanial concessions for the construction and the exploitation of installations of electricity production, generated from water, currents or winds, in the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone of Belgium. The decree in question determinates precisely the zone where the installations may be set up. It also specifies the criteria of granting and the procedure by which the concessions are being issued The Programme law of July 2005 called for the mandatory contribution by national transmission service operators (TSO) of up to EUR 25 million worth of undersea cables for each concession. An unbalancing costs regime for offshore wind production is being planned as of 2008. Unbalancing refers to when the electricity producer produces too much or too little electricity, and must pay the difference to the Regulator. The new policy would provide a 10% price reduction on the daily market price for the unbalancing cost.

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