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Clean Energy for the Future (RENERGI) Program

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 30 October 2013

Clean energy for the future (RENERGI, 2004-2013) is a broad energy RD&D programme administered by the Research Council of Norway. RENERGI encompasses all energy research except petroleum, and includes socio-economic and basic research in the energy field. The primary research areas are renewables (hydro, bioenergy, wind, photovoltaics, thermal solar and ocean energy), energy usage, energy system (including distribution and transmission), biofuels and hydrogen. RENERGI had a budget for 2006 of NOK 150 million and NOK 165 million for 2007. The project funds for 2005 were allocated with 32% to hydrogen, 9% for energy usage, 12% for socio-economic research, 28% for energy system and 19% for renewables. The project funds for 2006 were allocated with 16% to hydrogen and natural gas, 10% for energy usage, 10% for socio-economic research, 21% for energy system, 21% for environmental transport technology, and 22% for renewables.

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