The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 12 May 2021
The National Biogas and Manure Management programme is a Central Sector Scheme primarily set up for rural and semi-urban households. Categories are designated accordingly: cattle-dung, and other bio-degradeable materials such biomass from farms, gardens, kitchens, and night soil. They delineate the benefits of biogas as well:(i) It provides clean gaseous fuel for cooking and lighting.(ii) Digested slurry from biogas plants is used as enriched bio-manure to supplement the use of chemical fertilizers.(iii) It improves sanitation in villages and semi -urban areas by linking sanitary toilets with biogas plants.(iv) Biogas Plants help in reducing the causes of climate change. Below are subsidy schemes for Biogas Plants under National Biogas and Manure Management ProgrammeSubsidy for setting up of Biogas Plants under National Biogas and Manure Management ProgrammeS. No.Particulars of Central financial Assistance (CFA) & States / Regions and CategoriesFamily Type Biogas Plants under NBMMP (1 to 6 cubic metre capacity per day ) A.Central Subsidy Rates Applicable (In Rs.) 1 Cubic Metre2- 6 Cubic Metre1.NER States, Sikkim (except plain areas of Assam) and including SC & ST Categories of NE Region States.15,00017,0002.Plain areas of Assam.10,00011,0003.Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Niligiri of Tamil Nadu, Sadar Kurseong & Kalimpong Sub-Divisions of Darjeeling, Sunderbans (W.B.) and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.7,00011,0004.Scheduled castes / Scheduled Tribes of all other States except NE Region States (including Sikkim).7,00011,0005.All Others 5,5009,000B.Turn-Key Job Fee including warranty for five years and quality control (in Rs. per plant).Rs.1500/- per plant for fixed dome Deenbandhu type and floating gasholder KVIC type brick masonry models. Turn Key Job Fee also provided for biogas plants with prefabricated material involving part construction work either for digester or dome. No fee is provided for completely prefabricated / manufactured plants such as Bag type plants with rubberized material or plants made of HDPE / PVC / fabric materials, as and when approved.