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Subsidies for Renewable Energy Investment - Wallonia

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 20 January 2017

Since 2005, the Walloon Region awards an investment subsidy and an exemption from real estate taxes to companies which carry out an investment programme aiming at a sustainable use of energy (hydroelectric energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, biogas, organic products and waste from agriculture and forestry arboriculture, biodegradable organic part of waste), a quality cogeneration and energy savings during the manufacturing process. Certain sectors are excluded form the scheme (e.g. the energy sector). The overall amount of the subsidy and the exemption from real estate taxes covers a percentage of eligible investments. The rates of the supports depend on the size of the enterprise and the objective of the investment programme. It can be 20%, 25% and 30% for large companies (depending on geographical area), and 50% for SMEs. The amount of the subsidy and the exemption from real estate taxes cannot exceed: - EUR 1,000,000 per company over a 4-year period, in the case of a SME; - EUR 2,000,000 per company over a 4-year period, in the case of a large enterprise. This grant covers investments in all types of renewable energy hydroelectric energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, biogas, organic products and waste from agriculture and forestry arboriculture, biodegradable organic part of waste. The exemption from real estate taxes will be applied to investments in non-movables, including investments in equipment considered as non-movable, by nature or by purpose. The exemption can be awarded: - to the small-sized enterprise for a 5-year period; - to the medium-sized enterprise for a 4-year period; - to the large enterprise for a 3-year period. Nevertheless, this exemption can be awarded for a maximum period of 7 years as regards the equipment and the implements in the case of a business setting-up. At present the order of the Walloon government (AGW) of 2 December 2004 is under modification.

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