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Transposition of the Directive on Energy Efficiency (2012/27/UE Directive)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 24 July 2019
Legislative Decree 102 of July 4, 2014 as transposition of the Directive on Energy Efficiency (2012/27/UE Directive) establishes a framework of measures for the promotion and improvement of energy efficiency in many areas, able to contribute to the achievement of national savings energy targets at 2020.
More specifically, for building sector there will be a a strong boost to the redevelopment of the buildings of public administration and strengthening of instruments such as white certificates and energy audits. A large section is devoted to the measurement and billing of energy consumption - with the mandatory install meters "smart" condominiums within the 2016 - aiming to promote the reduction of energy consumption through the recognition of individual consumption and the division of costs based on actual consumption. The Authority for Electricity, gas and water supply system has developed specifics for intelligent metering systems that provide information to end customers on current time use of the services and energy efficiency targets.
The Decree foresee the establishment of a national fund for energy efficiency (5M € for 2014 and 25 M € for 2015), whose priorities are:
Employment growth;
Whole building energy efficiency;
Zero energy buildings;
Energy upgrading and seismic protection;
District heating and cooling in agricolture or connected to biomass distributed generation.
The related actions are:
Energy efficiency in PA buildings;
District heating and cooling;
Public energy efficiency included lighting;
Energy efficiency of residential buildings and social housing;
Energy efficiency services;
Energy efficiency in the industrial sector.

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