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Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Grants

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 9 December 2019

The Australian government introduced production grants for biofuels in 2002. These are administered by AusIndustry within the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, on behalf of the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, which has policy responsibility for this programme.The 2003-04 Federal Budget Government announcement ensured that the effective rate of excise tax for biofuels is zero, with grants of AUD 38.143 cents per litre for fuel ethanol and biodiesel until 1 July 2011. Ethanol Grants are payable to an Ethanol Producer (or as the Ethanol Producer directs) in respect of the volume of ethanol produced entirely in Australia from biomass feedstock, and which is to be used in, or as, a transport fuel within Australia.From 1 July 2011, excise will be phased in for biofuels.  The mechanism for this assistance is subject to consultation between Government and industry.

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