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Renewable Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 16 April 2021

The Renewable Energy Law is a framework policy which lays out the general conditions for renewable energy to become a more important energy source in the Peoples Republic of China. It covers all modern forms of renewable

The Renewable Energy Law is a framework policy which lays out the general conditions for renewable energy to become a more important energy source in the Peoples Republic of China. It covers all modern forms of renewable energy, i.e. wind, solar, water, biomass, geothermal and ocean energy, but not to low-efficiency burning of straw, firewood and dejecta. Renewable energy becomes the preferential area for energy development under this law. Furthermore, research and development and the industrial development of renewable energy is listed as the preferential area for hi-tech industrial development in the national programme. According to the renewable energy law, the State Council is responsible for overall implementation and management for the development and utilization of renewable energy at the national level. It sets middle- and long-term targets for the total volume of renewable energy development, and, on the basis of this, will prepare national plans for the implementation of these targets. In drawing up these targets and plans, it will cooperate with the regional and local peoples governments to reflect regional differences in the final plans. Renewable power generation projects will have to obtain an administrative permit to proceed with project development; should there be more than one application for the same project licence, an open tendering process will be held. Project developers that have obtained an administrative permit will be guaranteed a connection to the power and gas grid. All output can be sold at guaranteed prices to the grid company, where prices will be determined by the price authorities of the State Council. Grid operators will be able to recover extra costs associated with this regime through their own selling prices. Producers of gas and heat from renewable sources which conform to urban gas or heat pipeline standards will have guaranteed access to these pipelines. Gas-selling enterprises shall include biological liquid fuel conforming to the national standard into its fuel selling system. Energy authorities of local peoples governments shall prepare renewable energy development plans specifically for rural areas with specific financial support. Standards for renewable energy technologies will be set by the standardization authorities of the State Council. In case of breaches of the law by government entities, or grid, gas pipeline or fuel companies, penalties can be imposed by the relevant superior government authority.


The Renewable Energy Law is comprised of 8 chapters and has gone through one amendement subsequently in 2009.

These chapters include:

I General Provision

Legitimizes renewable energy as the priority tool for development, utilization, and adaptation (see Article 4)

Designates wind, solar, hydro, bio, geothermal, and ocean energy, etc. as renewable (see Article 1)

II Resources Investigation and Development

It sets middle- and long-term targets for the total volume of renewable energy development, and, on the basis of this, will prepare national plans for the implementation of these targets. (see Article 1)

In drawing up these targets and plans, it will cooperate with the regional and local peoples governments to reflect regional differences in the final plans. Renewable power generation projects will have to obtain an administrative permit to proceed with project development should there be more than one application for the same project licence, an open tendering process will be held. Pro

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