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GB 19578-2014 Fuel consumption limits for passenger cars (stage VI)

Last updated: 18 March 2024

The standard specifies fuel consumption limits for passenger cars and applies to type M1 Vehicles up to a weight of 3500kg operating on gasoline or diesel fuel. The standard excludes vehicles powered on gas- or ethanol based fuels. 


Manufacturers or their legal representatives are to apply for certification on the fuel consumption of the vehicles they put on the market. The application entails detailed information (based on template documents) on: 

  • Description of the engine system characteristics
  • Fuel consumption type certification


In addition, the following policy documents provide important references for this standard:

  • GB/T 15089-2001 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers
  • GB/T 19233 Measurement methods of fuel consumption for light-duty vehicles
  • GB/T 19753 Test methods for energy consumption of light-duty hybrid electric vehicles



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