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FNEE/Aid programmes for modal and means of transport shift

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
This aid program seeks to promote the realization of sustainable transport plans to the workplace with a view to achieving significant changes in the modal split, with greater involvement of the most efficient modes; and moreover, keep advancing with the improvements in fleet management - both in terms of loads and routes – carrying out audits, implementing information systems and training in fleet management. Finally, it has been deemed appropriate to continue encouraging continuous training in efficient driving techniques for professional drivers. This line of support was conceived to be further expanded in the following years until 2020. The overall budget of this programme has been €11.72 million, coming from the National Energy Efficiency Fund - created by Law 18/2014, of 15 October, approving urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency. The aids in this Programme may be co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Programme for Sustainable Growth 2014-2020. The types of actions covered by the aid were the following: 1. Workplace Transport Plans, for measures with a minimum investment of €30,000; the aid granted will amount to 20 % of the eligible cost, with a maximum grant of €200,000. The action is to involve minimum savings of 10% as an energy requirement, as compared to the initial situation. 2. Management of road transport fleets, for measures involving a minimum investment of €30,000; the aid granted will amount to 20 % of the eligible cost, with a maximum allowance of €200,000. The action is to involve minimum savings of 5% as an energy requirement, as compared to the initial situation. 3. Efficient driving courses for drivers of commercial vehicles, for actions with a minimum of 200 students; the aid granted will amount to €100 per student for a maximum amount of €100,000. A new aid request will be allowed for new courses under the same call if the first request has been duly justified.

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