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Energy Efficiency Fund

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 14 September 2020
The Energy Efficiency Fund (ESF) is a financial instrument created by Decree-Law no. 50/2010 of the 20th of May: It's porposes are: ü finance the programs and measures provided for in the National Action for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); ü encourage energy efficiency by citizens and companies. Through Specific Notices (calls) , supports energy efficiency projects in areas such as Transport, Residential and Services, Industry and Agriculture, State and Behavior, contributing to reduce final energy consumption efficiently and optimally. The activity of the FEE is also in line with the economic, social and territorial development policy to be promoted between 2014 and 2020 called “Portugal 2020”, with the support of the European Structural and Investment Funds and in accordance with the national targets: to improve the country's energy efficiency through a 25% reduction in energy consumption by 2020, with the state emerging as a leading country with a specific goal of reducing energy consumption by 30%. The FEE can also support projects not foreseen in the PNAEE but which have been shown to contribute to energy efficiency. In this context, the FEE also aims to boost operations that will serve as the basis for the definition of larger-scale projects funded under Portugal 2020, and which also aim at implementing the PNAEE 2016 measures, in complementarity with the objectives of this fund. The firs call (Aviso 01) was publishd in 2012 and aimed at supporting the implementation in existing multi-family housing buildings of solar thermal installation solutions or new glazing by replacing simple glazing with double glazing (frame + glass) with high energy efficiency.

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