The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 5 November 2017
Applicable Building Type(s) Existing residential, New residential, New non-residential, Existing non-residential Policy Requirement Level Mandatory Governance Development Authority: Norwegian Building Authority, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation Implementation Authority: Local Authorities Verification Authority: Local Authorities Enforcement Authority: Local Authorities Prescriptive Compliance path Heated usable floor area Energy Requirements: Insulation U-Values (W/m2.K) Walls Floor Roof Minimum requirements â €° ¤ 0.22 â €° ¤ 0.18 â €° ¤ 0.18 Basic/standard requirements â €° ¤ 0.18 â €° ¤ 0.15 â €° ¤ 0.12 Windows U-Values (W/m2.K) Windows Minimum requirements â €° ¤ 1.6 Basic/standard requirements â €° ¤ 1.2 The total sun factor for glass/windows (gt) shall be less than 0.15 on faà §ades that catch the sun (not applicable for small houses). Proportion of window and door areas â €° ¤ 20% of heated usable floor space. The U-value for the glass/windows/doors including the frames shall be less than 0.24 when multiplied by the proportion of the window and door areas of the buildings heated usable floor area (not applicable for small houses). Air Leakage Small houses and leisure homes with more than 150 m2 of heated usable floor space 2.5 l/(s.m2) at 50 Pa Space Heating System Specific Fan Power (kW/m3/s) Specific fan power All climate zones 2.5 Renewable Energy Buildings > 500m2 shall be designed and constructed so that a minimum of 60% of the net energy need for space and water heating may be met by energy supply other than direct acting electricity or fossil fuels. For buildings < 500m2 the requirement is a a mimimum of 40 % other than direct acting electricity or fossil fuels. Compliance Softwares: Various software can be used if in line with national calculation methods End-uses considered: Appliances, Space heating, Water heating, Lighting interior, Ventilation Performance Compliance path Small houses and leisure homes with more than 150 m2 of heated usable floor space 120 kWh/m2/year + 1600 kWh/m2 of heated usable floor area Block of flats 115 kWh/m2/year Resources Notes Climate zones