Decree for energy efficiency requirements in buildings (2015)
In the second decree ( "Reference scheme for the technical project reports to apply buildings minimum requirements €), the format for technical project reports is defined, relative to new and nearly zero energy buildings, relevant retrofitting and technical installations.
The last decree ( "Upgrade of national guidelines for energy certification of buildings €) includes the national guidelines for Energy Performance Certificates (EPC), to be in force starting from October 2015. A unique information system harmonising Energy Performance Certification in the different regions was also set for all Italian regions, aimed at the management of a national registry of EPC and thermal installations, to be created by ENEA and the Regions by the end of 2015. Regions are now adopting the new guidelines in force from 1 ° October 2015 and those who already implemented EPBD2 have a 2 years 'period to adapt to the new national methodology.
The past rating system with 8 classes: A+ / A / B / C / D / E / F / G established on the basis of a fixed range of EP index (kWh/mq), is replaced by a new rating system based on 10 adaptable classes (A4 / A3 / A2 / A1 / B / C / D / E / F / G), based on a range proportional to the EP of a virtual reference building (identical to the real one as for geometry, orientation, location in the climatic zone, use, etc) but with predetermined thermal characteristics and energy parameters. This methodology allows calculating the boundary between Energy Performance EPgl,nr index (referred to non renewable primary energy of classes A1 e B). The rating captions of other classes are given by multiplier-reducer coefficients of EPgl,nr,Lst.
EPgl,nr considers all energy services in the building (Heating and cooling, DHW - and lighting and mobility for non-residential). When technical systems are not present in the building, the rating is found simulating the presence of heating and DHW equipments.
Each region should perform yearly a control of minimum of 2% EPCs of the total.
Applicable Building Type(s)
Existing non-residential, Existing residential, New non-residential, New residential
Policy Requirement Level
Development Authority: Ministry of Economic Development
Implementation Authority: Agenzia Nazionale per l'Efficienza Energetica (ENEA), Regional Authorities
Verification Authority: At regional level
Enforcement Authority: In Italy the penalty system is defined nationally, but the implementation process is regional
Prescriptive Compliance path
According to the new computation method for the energy performance of buildings, energy demand is derived for a reference building, namely a building identical to the analysed one, but with the thermal and energy characteristics defined in the Decree. The analysed building, after energy renovation, should have a total energy demand lower than the reference building. The parameters for the existing building (interested by energy requalification) are provided in order to be used for the calculation of total energy demand.
Energy Requirements:
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