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Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC-Commercial) 2007

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 12 May 2021
The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) was developed by the Govt. of India for new commercial buildings and released on 27th May 2007. ECBC sets minimum energy standards for commercial buildings having a connected load of 100kW or contract demand of 120 KVA and above. While the Central Government has powers under the EC Act 2001, the state governments have the flexibility to modify the code to suit local or regional needs and notify them. Presently, the code is in voluntary phase of implementation. About 22 states are at various stages of mandating ECBC, wherein most of building construction activities are happening across the country.(source: Applicable Building Type(s)Nnon-residential Policy Requirement LevelModel Code GovernanceDevelopment Authority: Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India with support from USAID ECO II ProjectImplementation Authority: Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India with support from USAID ECO II ProjectEnforcement Authority: Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India with support from USAID ECO II Project Prescriptive Compliance path Energy Requirements: Insulation 24-hour use buildings Daytime use buildings Maximum U-Factor of overall assembly (W/m2.C) Walls Roof WallsRoof Climate zone Composite 0.440 0.261 0.440 0.409 Climate zone Hot Dry 0.440 0.261 0.440 0.409 Climate zone Hot Humid 0.440 0.261 0.440 0.409 Climate zone Moderate 0.431 0.409 0.397 0.409 Climate zone Cold 0.369 0.261 0.352 0.409Windows Windows Maximum U-factor(W/m2.C) Maximum SHGC Climate zone Composit

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