Municipal Energy Efficiency Project
PRESEM focuses on making energy efficiency investments in selected municipal sectors (pumping water systems, street lighting and public buildings). There are two components to the project:
Policy development and institutional capacity. This component strengthens the enabling environment for EE at the municipal level and contributes to the identification of potential subprojects that can feed into a pipeline beyond the project life. The component finances the following areas: (a) capacity building on municipal EE; (b) sector-wide policy support, including a framework to scale-up activities piloted under this operation with a view to transition to a more commercial, sustainable program; and (c) project monitoring and management activities.
Municipal investments in energy efficiency. This component supports cost-effective energy efficiency investments in municipal street lighting, water and wastewater, and building sectors. Activities financed include: (a) the preparation of feasibility studies, project designs, and bidding documents for the implementation of identified priority investments (with a bundled approach to the extent possible per technology), and (b) acquisition and installation of items necessary to implement the agreed EE measures.
By June 2018, the programme had financed 10 level 2 energy audits in municipalities and two other energy audits were underway. Additionally, four national tenders had been held supporting two projects for street lighting systems, one project on water pumping systems and one for municipal public buildings. The investments and anticipated energy savings are:
Street lighting: MXN 172 million pesos and 6.59 GWh/year
Water pumping system: MXN 12 million pesos and 1.13 GWh/year
Public buildings: MXN 6 million pesos and 0.37 GWh/year
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