National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2016-2025
1. 52,233 GWh of energy savings (8.0%)
2. 37,702 ktCO2 equivalent reduction
It covers four main strategic thrusts:
1. energy efficiency plan implementation
2. strengthening of institutional framework, capacity development, and training for implementation of energy efficiency initiatives
3. establishment of sustainable funding mechanisms to implement energy efficiency initiatives
4. promotion of private sector investment in energy efficiency initiatives
Key initiatives are divided into three sectors:
1.1 Promotion of 5-star rated appliances - campaign on comparison labeling for refrigerators and air conditioners
1.2 Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) - on EE lighting and motors
2.1 Energy Audit and Management in Large and Medium Sized Industries
2.2 Promotion of Cogeneration in Industries and Commercial Buildings
3.1 Energy Audit and Management in Buildings
3.2 Energy Efficient Building Design - aims to make the voluntary energy efficiency building standard (MS 1525:2014) mandatory instead of voluntary
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