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Energy Management at the Local Government

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Under the Law on EE no.142 of 2 July 2010 (art.18 and 22). The Energy Efficiency Agency monitors LPAs and their energy managers,requesting their input and assistance when it comes to data collection, elaboration of Local Energy Efficiency Action Plans, etc.
EEA (art. 9):
- provides assistance to local public authorities in developing programs to improve energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources;
- provides advisory and information assistance to energy managers;
- approves training programs for experts and auditors in the field of energy, energy managers, developed by accredited specialized educational institutions, etc.
Moreover, it introduces energy management at the level of Local Public Authorities implies the implementation of a series of measures:

developing the software for the monitoring of energy consumption for Local Public Authorities (district and municipal councils and ATU Gagauzia);

employing Energy Managers in 32 district councils, ATU Gagauzia and two municipalities;

training of 35 Energy Managers;

organising regular training and professional development courses for the Energy Managers employed by district and municipal councils and ATU Gagauzia;

developing and approving the structure and template for LEEPs and LEEAPs;

developing and approving LEEPs and LEEAPs;

annual reports prepared by district and municipal councils and ATU Gagauzia on the basis of the template devised by the AEE;

developing and adopting Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) for the towns that joined the Covenant of Mayors.

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