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New Zealand-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement

Last updated:

The New Zealand-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement aims at fostering closer economic relations by reducing or removing trade and investment barriers. The Agreement builds on the existing ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement. Most notably, the Agreement accelerated the tariff reduction/elimination schedule from 12 years (per the AANZFTA) to 7 years. It also provide improved investment protection provisions, including Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment.

The Agreement eliminates or reduces border tariffs on: 

  • Electric generation equipment 
  • Mechanical equipment including pumps, appliances and other advanced machinery
  • Electric motors, transformers, batteries and capacitors
  • Motor vehicles and vehicle parts (except for motor vehicle imports into Myanmar and Vietnam)
  • Mineral ore and processed products including graphite, manganese, copper, aluminium and nickel
  • Various products manufactured using the above minerals and metals such as sheets, powders, bars, and plates
  • Photovoltaic cells

The Agreement also includes rules of origin and local content provisions. Goods are considered as originating from a signatory country, and thus benefitting from preferential tariff treatment if:

  • they are wholly produced or obtained in the country 
  • they qualify for a change in HS code as defined for each good
  • they meet minimum regional value content requirements e.g. within 10% of  FOB value or total weight of the good.  

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