Building Technologies Office
I.Research and Development
Residential Buildings Integration: BTO will furnish the energy technologies and solutions to reduce energy use in new prototype residential buildings by 70%. These technologies and solutions, when combined with on-site energy technologies, will result in net-zero energy homes by 2020 and, when adapted to existing homes, will significantly reduce their energy use. By 2010, the programme will develop, document and disseminate cost-effective technology packages that achieve an average 40% reduction in whole house energy use.
Commercial Buildings Integration: By 2010, BTO, in collaboration with industry, will develop, document and disseminate a complete set of technology packages that give builders energy efficient options to help them achieve a 30% reduction in the purchased energy use in new and small- to medium-sized commercial buildings (relative to American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers [ASHRAE] Standard 90.1-2004). Programme representatives will also complete an initial set of technology options that establishes a basis for achieving a 50% energy use reduction in commercial buildings.
Emerging Technologies: The programme will accelerate the introduction of highly efficient technologies and practices for both residential and commercial buildings by conducting research and development on advanced lighting, building envelope, window, space conditioning, water heating and appliance technologies. In the area of solid state lighting, the programme goal is to achieve lighting technologies with double the efficiency of today's most efficient lighting sources.
II. Equipment Standards and Analysis
To increase the minimum efficiency levels of buildings and equipment, the programme will continue to develop codes, standards and guidelines that are technologically feasible, economically justified, and save significant amounts of energy. By 2010, BTP will issue several formal proposals, consistent with enacted laws, for enhanced product standards and test procedures.
III. Technology Validation and Market Introduction
The Building Energy Codes sub-programme activities will support the development and implementation of energy-efficient building codes to increase the construction of more efficient residential and commercial buildings.
The goal of BTP's Commercial Lighting Initiative is to spearhead a visible public campaign challenging commercial building owners to improve their building lighting efficiency by at least 30% using a combination of commercially available but underutilised technologies, lighting controls, expert lighting design, and integrated systems.
Through the EnergySmart Schools sub-programme, BTO aims to increase the use of energy-efficient technologies and strategies to achieve 30% energy savings in existing K-12 schools and 50% energy savings in new schools or major renovations or additions.
BTP's EnergySmart Hospitals sub-programme goals include providing technical guidance, education, and financing tools to increase construction of energy efficient buildings.
The programme will support the Solar Decathlon, a high-profile university competition
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