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National Programme for Sustainable Energy Use 2014-2018

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Under Law for the Sustainable Use of Energy (LASE), the Mexican government established the National Programme for Sustainable Energy Use (Programa Nacional para el Aprovechamiento Sustentable de la Energì a - PRONASE) which sets the strategy and actions for energy efficiency at a national level for all sectors.
The first PRONASE covered the period 2009-12 and indicated that the greatest potential energy savings could be found in lighting, appliances and industrial motors.
The updated Pronase was published on January 19th, 2017. The PRONASE 2014-18 has six main objectives: (i) To design and develop programmes and actions that enable the optimal use of energy in processes and activities in the national energy supply chain (ii) to strengthen regulation of energy efficiency in appliances and energy consuming equipment manufactured and commercialised in the country (iii) to strengthen the systems and government agencies responsible for energy efficiency at federal level, state and municipal level integrating public, private, academic and social institutions (iv) Promote the development of technical and technological capacities related to sustainable energy use (v) Contribute to the capacity building and dissemination of an energy savings culture in society (vi) promote research and development on energy efficiency technologies.
The updated version has a new chapter on energy efficiency goals (those set in the Transition Strategy) and the updated PRONASE’s indicators. PRONASE expects to reduce final energy intensity to 341 kJ/MXP by the end of 2018. Besides the energy efficiency goals in the Transition Strategy, PRONASE establishes 10 energy efficiency indicators all of them with specific goals to be reached by 2018. For example, one additional goal is the energy intensity goal for transport sector seeking to reduce energy intensity to 161 kJ/MXP by 2018 (in 2015 was 171 kJ/MXP). PRONASE will be reviewed on an annual basis.

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