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Concept for the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a "green economy"

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 24 January 2022

The adopted Strategy Kazakhstan 2050: A New Political Course of the Established State ( "Strategy 2050") sets clear guidelines for building a sustainable and efficient economic model based on the country transition to a green development path.

Goals and targets:

Renewable energy

  • Solar and wind: not less than 3% of the total power generation by 2020
  • 50% of alternative energy (including nuclear energy) sources in power generation by 2050

Energy efficiency

  • decrease energy intensity of GDP by 25% (2008 baseline) by 2020 
  • decrease energy intensity of GDP by 50% (2008 baseline) by 2050


  • Resolve issues related to the water supply to population by 2020
  • Resolve issues related to the agricultural water supply by 2040

Priority goals of transitioning to Green Economy are:

  • Increased resource productivity, including water, land, biological resources, and resource management efficiency;
  • Modernization of existing and development of new infrastructure;
  • Increased population well-being and quality of the environment, achieved though profitable measures reducing environmental footprint;
  • Increased national security, including water supply.

Realisation of the Green concept and transition to the green economy will help creating new jobs, impact agriculture, increase water and power security, facilitate investments and bring technology development.

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