The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 5 November 2017
The European Commission launched a new Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment to help Member States and regional and local authorities improve the environmental performance of Europe cities. One of seven plans foreseen under the 6th Environmental Action Programme, the Strategy aims to facilitate better implementation of EU environmental policies and legislation at the local level through exchange of experience and good practice between Europe local authorities. The main actions under the strategy are: Guidance on integrated environmental management and on sustainable urban transport plans. The guidance will be based on cities 'experiences, expert views and research, and will help ensure full implementation of EU legislation. It will provide sources of further information to help prepare and implement action plans. Training. A number of Community programmes will provide opportunities for training and capacity-building for local authorities to develop the skills needed for managing the urban environment. Moreover, support will be offered for local authorities to work together and learn from each other. These should be exploited both by the Member States and local authorities. Support for EU wide exchange of best practices. Consideration will be given for the establishment of a new European programme to exchange knowledge and experience on urban issues under the new Cohesion Policy. The Commission will closely cooperate with Member States and local authorities. This work will be based on a pilot network of focal points on urban issues (the "European Knowledge Platform €) which offers advice to local authorities across Europe. Commission internet portal for local authorities. The feasibility of creating a new internet portal for local authorities on the Europa website will be explored to provide better access to the latest information.