The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 5 November 2017
Backed and supported since 2001 by ADEME the Espaces Info Energie (EIE) network has now 200 offices throughout France run by 350 advisors. The EIE has two primary activities: 1. Free advice in response to specific public enquiries2. Presenting individual events By carrying out evaluations of simplified energy consumption in homes, according to various criteria, advisors help reduce household energy waste.EIE are mainly backed by ADEME (8 million Euros in 2007) and regional authorities but other communities can also contribute financially. The structures which support INFO ENERGIE activity are varied: they range from energy / environmental sector associations to territorial structures.As of 2010, more than 1.4 million people have been given specific advice from an agent, and more than 8 million people have been received information, with an overall satisfaction rate of 80%. In 2007, further investment occurred in 50% of cases after raising public awareness against 26% in 2003. EIE contributed to 400 million Euros worth of work in 2010. To meet growing demand, the number of advisors was increased to 500 by 2010