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Brussels-Capital Region: Energy Audit Obligation

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
An energy audit has to be undertaken for any building (housing not considered) bigger than 3500m ² on the occasion of the renewal of its environmental permit.The audit has to be performed by an approved auditor.Cost effective solutions identified during the audit should be implemented within four years after the permit is issued, extended or renewed.
The energy consumptions of the regional tertiary sector currently accounts for 32% of the Brussels 'final energy consumption. That is why the realization of an energy audit followed by the mandatory implementation of the cost-effective measures (payback time
A new decree is under development to include : - industrial building consuming more than 0,1petajoule- commercial treshold till 1000m ² and 314kWh/m ²- a more flexible implementation of audits obligations

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