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Advice and support for building professionals: The Facilitator network

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Brussels-Capital Region provides a free advice service through energy Facilitators, assigned the task of advising corporate bodies and institutions in their approach to improving the energy performances of their property and activities. This service is aimed at two main categories of consumers: collective housing and the tertiary sector (including industrial facilities). Two other Facilitator networks have also been dedicated to promising technologies that are not yet well-known on the Brussels market: cogeneration and renewable energy (large systems). The Facilitators are energy specialists known for their expertise garnered from carrying out numerous projects both in Brussels and abroad. Their mission is to provide independent and impartial assistance to contracting authorities and building managers on energy consumption management actions, rational use of energy (RUE) tools developed by the Ministry and the promotion of renewable energy, at every stage of a project. Advice also extends to providing comparisons on different commercial services, information on the different kinds of financial assistance or incentives available, and guidance and assistance with technical documents such as audits and feasibility studies.
Brussels has developed a network of facilitators and advisors for professionals. These experts introduce professionals to technical innovations in the areas of energy and eco-design. These specialists are selected through calls for tenders.
Two kinds of facilitator exist : the sustainable building facilitators and the sustainable neighbourhood facilitators. Their mission consists of providing free advice and free guidance to project sponsors in technical matters relating to the areas of energy, including renewable energy, cogeneration and eco-design, on the level of both buildings and their facilities and neighbourhoods. They also organise seminars, visits or trips, etc. Facilitators are accessible by calling a free phone number. To accelerate the thorough renovation of the buildings, sustainable building facilitator service will be improved and made more dynamic.

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