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Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2008-2012

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
In late 2007, the Spanish government released an Energy Efficiency Action Plan for 2008 to 2012 to assist with implementation of the Spanish Energy Efficiency Strategy (E4) 2004-2012. The action plan responds to the conditions of high external energy dependence, energy demand growing at a faster rate than GDP, the need for energy demand management tools and the importance and difficulty of complying with the 2010 target of 12% of energy being sourced from renewables. As with the earlier 2005-2007 plan, this action plan involves collaboration with the autonomous regions, in terms of the design and implementation of measures. The plan provides for a range of measures in the following areas: agriculture and fisheries, industry, public services, households and offices, buildings, energy transformation, and transportation. It is hoped that the measures provided for in the plan will lead to energy savings, during the period 2008-2012, of 59.545 (final) and 87,934 (primary). Additionally, it is expected that the measures will lead to avoided emissions of 238,130 ktCO2 over the same period.

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