Energy Law No. 30/2007
EL7 codified the institutional structure for energy management, establishing the National Energy Council, and specified the distribution of prerogatives between central government, Parliament, and regional and local authorities. Compared to other sectoral laws, EL7 provided considerable power to Parliament; as approved by government, the National Energy Policy needs consent of Parliament. In addition, it stipulates that the House of Representatives approves international energy agreements and selects the members of the NEC.
Regional and local governments are given the power to develop regional master plans and regulations on energy. This includes the granting of licences for coal mining and renewable energy exploitation as well as the supervision of local enterprises, including the regional and local offices of the state-owned electricity company PLN.
The Law includes incentives for private and state companies involved in the distribution and utilization of renewable energies, including biofuels. In terms of supply-side policies, it requires that more attention should be given to new and renewable energy development and that incentives should be developed for energy providers to do this. The Law also requires that energy is provided for under-developed, remote and rural areas by exploiting local energy potential, and renewable energy in particular. Throughout these developments, there should be a prioritisation of environmentally friendly technologies.
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