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Grants for Residential Heating Conversion

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Between 2006 and 2010, owners of residential properties and related premises could receive a grant covering up to 30% of the cost of materials and labour up to a maximum per household for conversion from direct electric heating to systems using district heating, biofuels or a geothermal/ground/lake heat pump.
If a solar heating system was installed at the same time, the owner could receive a subsidy according to the amount of heat produced. In general, the subsidy level was SEK 2.50/kWh/year of energy produced. The subsidy was limited to a maximum of SEK 7500 in small buildings (one or two households) and a maximum of 3 000 000 SEK/project.
Householders were also eligible for grants for converting from systems using an oil-fired boiler to district heating, biofuel or systems using a geothermal /ground/lake heat pump.
The grant covered up to 30% of the cost of materials and labour up to a certain limit per household. The support was provided as a tax refund.
For accession to district heating, support was given to cover material costs for distribution systems, radiators and heat exchangers, as well as for labour. After conversion, the district heating system needed to comprise at least 70 % of the yearly heating need. All hot water should originate from district heating.
When installing heating pumps the same rules applied, however the maximum share of electricity to be used for heating and hot water was 35 % . For installation of biomass-based heating the support covered the cost of material , radiators, chimney and equipment for heat accumulation as well as labour. After conversion, at least 70 % of yearly heating needs had to be covered by the biomass-based system.

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