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Public Policy for Strategic Mining Areas (Article 20 of Law 1753 of 2015)

Last updated: 11 December 2023

The public policy for the contracting of areas with high mineral potential (Strategic Mining Areas) was first established in Article 108 of the National Development Plan 2011-2014, and later expanded under Article 20 of the National Development Plan 2014-2018.
The policy grants the National Mining Authority the right to determine minerals of strategic interest to the country and delineate special areas based on their mining potential. Strategic Mining Areas are to be awarded through objective selection, under a different process than the regime established under the Mining Code. The National Mining Authority will establish the requirements, qualification criteria and obligations of the concessionaire, and may allow for the inclusion of supplementary payments in addition to the established royalties.
Areas within a Strategic Mining Reserve may be delimited for the formalisation of small-scale miners.
For energy mineral development, the Ministry of Mines and Energy is to assign strategic zones within one year of the law entering force. These zones will have a duration of 2 years, extendable by the same term, with the objective of maximising the use of non-renewable resources, adjusting to best international practices.
The National Development Plan 2022-2026 sets a target for the assignment and evaluation of 30 new Strategic Mining Areas over the four year period. 

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