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Vatican installation of PV system

Last updated: 2 August 2023

To help green its operations, as promoted by Pope Benedict XVI, the in 2008 Vatican installed 2 394 PV modules on a part (2 134 square meters) of the roof of the Papal Audience Hall near St. Peter’s Basilica. The remaining part of the roof, approximately 2000 square meters, has been covered by special screens that increase the amount of solar energy received from the PV modules. Since then, the Papal State has been producing 300 MWh of solar energy every year. The energy produced by this plant helps the Vatican save around 225 tons of CO2 each year. With the installation of this system, the Vatican has led by example and helped promote the use of solar power worldwide by greening a building with high historical and cultural significance. Moreover, a solar cooling plant for the Vatican’s Staff Canteen was installed between 2009 and 2010, saving an additional 80 tons of CO2 each year.

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