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Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition

Last updated: 2 August 2023

The ‘Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition’ meeting in Milan took place on 28-30 September 2021 during the Pre-COP26 ministerial summit in Milan, and was designed to ensure young people were involved in COP negotiations. The summit brought together more than 400 young people from around the world and provided a forum for them to develop concrete proposals for COP26 in Glasgow. The event’s first two days consisted of working groups, while the last day was dedicated to discussions between young delegates and the ministers present at Pre-COP26. The ‘Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition’ meeting was part of larger process of engagement of young people, which started at the United Nations Youth Climate Summit in New York in 2019, and which has ensured that young people’s voices are included in high-level conversations on climate change. 

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