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Act No. 587 / 2004 Coll. on Environmental Fund as amended

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Environmental Fund was established in 2005 to implement state promotion of the environmental care, and operates under the Ministry of the Environment. The Fund provides various subsidies, in the form of grants and soft loans, which support invesment in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Legal and natural persons are eligible for this support. The Fund is financed through fees and fines linked with the environmental pollution, with grants and subsidies covering the following areas: - Heat and hot water production using low-emission energy sources. The support is meant to achieve prescribed emission limits by means of the change of fuel used or the change of combustion technology. This includes projects oriented at public buildings (schools, hospitals, office buildings etc.) - Heat and hot water production using renewable energy sources (RES). Financial support is provided for the construction of new RES equipment substituting original fossil fuel combustion boilers, or for the development of new equipment and facilities (Biomass, solar energy, heat pumps etc.) and Support of the production of heat, hot water and electricity by the utilisation of RES (solar-thermal systems, photovoltaic panels, wind power plants, etc.). These projects generally target applicants who are natural persons.

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