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Smart Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Networks
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 4 July 2019
The aim of the project is the creation of 30 energy efficiency networks in the framework of which an organisational infrastructure is developed with which initiators such as chambers of industry and commerce can independentlymanage and use these networks in respect of existing obstacles and overcoming the same, reductionof transaction costs, and identification of innovation effects. Thanks to previous knowledge it was possible tobegin creation of the networks in 2009. The main thrust of the project is the development of computer-based evaluation programmes for energy efficiency measures. Another focal point of the project is regular moderated exchange of experience between the energy managers of the participant companies and an individual initialconsultation for each participant company. As a result the transaction costs of the companies are reduced, theprofitable energy cost-cutting measures are identified, and at the same time the performance and productivity ofthe external counselling is increased. The 30 networks are receiving continuous scientific support between 2009 and 2013. Every effort is being made to use potential cross-network synergies (for example: joint hotline, and exchange of successful individual measures).