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EFEKT 3 Program - CZK 960 million for energy efficiency

Last updated: 10 July 2024

The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade has started the program to support energy efficiency EFEKT III for the period 2022–2027 with a total budget of up to CZK 960 million (CZK 160 million per year). The program will provide non-investment direct grants for energy efficiency projects within the following five areas:

  • precontractual phase preparation of energy performance assessments, energy performance contracts (25-35% of the budget depending on the year),
  • support for advisory services in energy efficiency (20-45% of the budget depending on the year),
  • education in energy efficiency (5% of the budget every year),
  • energy management (20-35% of the budget depending on the year),
  • preparation of pilot non-investment projects (5% of the budget every year).

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