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National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (NAPE) represents the energy efficiency strategy of the Federal Government of Germany for the 18th legislative period. With NAPE, the Federal Government highlights the role of energy efficiency as the twin pillar of the Energy Transition, along with the deployment of renewable energy. As a comprehensive policy package NAPE consists of immediate measures as well as long-term work processes. The implementation of these measures and processes will contribute significantly to achieving Germany's national energy efficiency goals: -20% primary energy reduction until 2020 and -50% until 2050 (base year: 2008).
NAPE comprises of three main pillars:

Stepping up energy efficiency in buildings: Since almost 40% of total final energy in Germany is consumed in buildings, efforts in this area represent a crucial component of a successful energy transition. Among a set of immediate measures, NAPE continues and upgrades the successful CO2 Building Renovation Programme (KfW programmes for energy-efficient construction and rehabilitation) until 2018. In addition, NAPE contains key points of the Energy Efficiency Strategy for Buildings, with which the Federal Government pursues the National Energy Concept target of achieving a reduction of 80 percent in primary energy demand in buildings compared to 2008.

Establishing energy efficiency as an investment and business model: New impetus for energy efficiency services, energy efficiency technologies and competitiveness. Energy efficiency projects can generate attractive returns on investment (in SMEs, for example, average yields on energy efficiency investments can amount to as much as 20-25 percent). Therefore NAPE aims at promoting the development of business models for energy saving (e.g. energy performance contracting). With the introduction of the Competitive Tendering Scheme for Energy Efficiency, Germany will spearhead a new approach for promoting close-to-market and cost-effective energy efficiency solution.

Individual responsibility for energy efficiency: Measure -Understand -Take Action -Save. All stakeholders share the responsibility for achieving Germany national energy efficiency goals. Therefore NAPE aims at putting energy consumers in a position to make informed decisions about their energy consumption. Diversely detailed, low-threshold and high-quality energy consulting services are a key element for pinpointing lucrative energy saving options. The measures in NAPE for raising the effectiveness of advisory programmes will improve quality assurance in energy consulting and build confidence in qualified consulting.

With the Energy Efficiency Networks Initiative (common initiative with 20 industry, business and trade associations) the Federal Government specifically targets energy efficiency in the industry, trade and services. The participation in an energy efficiency network enables company experts to better plan and execute investments in energy efficiency.

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