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Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement (2022 Update): Egypt

Last updated: 29 February 2024

In Egypt's updated NDC, its mitigation target for the associated gases subsector of the oil and gas sector is 1,682 GgCO2-eq by 2030 (a reduction of 65% compared to business-as-usual). To reach this target, it will implement a programme to modernise the sector by adopting technologies, specifically recovery and utilisation of associated gases generated from the crude oil fields. Projects currently implemented and planned will not flare associated gas but will direct it to processing facilities to produce LPG, natural gas and condensates for utilisation.
The government also intends to implement additional measures for the oil and gas sector, such as:

  • improving access to clean fuel in households;
  • reducing the sector's energy consumption by placing low investment energy efficiency measures in petroleum companies, conducting efficiency audits in two refineries and defining a voluntary annual target to conserve energy in all operations; 
  • converting plastic waste into oil as an intermediary product.

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