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Application of energy performance calculation methods and definition of minimum requirements

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 7 October 2019

The decree completes the transposition of the European Directive EPBD 2002/91/EC, and modifies the Decree 192/2005.


This legislative measure comprises three different decrees:

  • The first one defines the requirements of nearly zero energy buildings and set the new minimum requirements, to be in force since October 2015.
  • A new calculation method for the energy performance is introduced, based on the comparison with a reference building having the characteristics set in the the decree. All energy use needed to comply with the standard use of the building is included in computation of the energy performance of the building, which is referred to different classes. In the second decree, the format for   technical project reports is defined, relative to new and nearly zero energy buildings, relevant retrofitting and technical installations.
  • The last decree includes the national guidelines for Energy Performance Certificates (EPC), to be in force since October 2015.


An homogeneous information system is also set for all Italian regions, aimed at the management of a new registry of EPC and thermal installations, to be created by ENEA and the Regions by the end of 2015. The new registry should be harmonized with the existing regional registries. Each region should control yearly its own EPCs, for a minimum of 2% of the total.

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