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Consumer support package

Last updated: 18 June 2024

The Thai government implemented ten support measures to soften the effects of energy price rise for the most vulnerable consumers, of which:

- Diesel retail price to be capped at THB 30/litre, through an excise tax reduction. Tax cuts on diesel were later extended, allowing for a reduction of THB 5/litre from January to July 2023. 
- Compressed Natural Gas retail price to be capped at THB 15.59/kg;
- 20 million households with low consumption records to be entitled to a THB 0.22c/kWh from May to August
- a 3 month increase in the monthly cooking gas subsidy (from THB 45 to THB 100) enacted for State welfare beneficiaries
- a 3 month discount for gasohol purchase (THB  5/litre for a maximum of 50 litres) enacted for motorcycle taxi drivers
- a 3 month price cap (THB 3.62/kg) implemented on LPG  for taxi drivers
- a 3 month discount for cooking gas purchase (THB 100/month) for street vendors holding a State welfare card.

The scheme has been funded through government budget, as well as by the State-owned utility PTT.

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