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Green Industry Standards (Ministerial Regulation No.51/2015 )

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 17 October 2019

The Minsitry of Industry has set mandatory minimum standards for various heavy industry sectors, which specify limits on the amount of energy used to produce one ton of product.


Pulp and Paper: 514/M-IND/Kep/12/2015

Maximum specific thermal energy:

- Pulp: 38 GJ/ton pulp

- Integrated Pulp & Paper: 40 GJ/ton paper

Maximum specific electric energy:

- Pulp: 1.05 MWh/ton

- Integrated Pulp & Paper: 1.5 MWh/ton



Textiles: 515/M-IND/Kep/12/2015

Maximum specific thermal energy: 3500 kWhr/ton product

Maximum specific electric energy: 1100 kWh/ton product



Cement: 512/M-IND/Kep/12/2015

Maximum specific thermal energy:

- constructed before 1995, >= 400000 ton/yr capacity: 1000kcal/kg clinker

- constructed before 1995, < 400000 ton/yr capacity: 1050 kcal/kg clinker

- constructed after 1995: 860 kcal/kg clinker

Maximum specific electric energy:

- constructed before 1995, >= 400000 ton/yr capacity: 110 kWh/ton cement

- constructed before 1995, < 400000 ton/yr capacity: 120 kWh/ton cement

- constructed after 1995: 100 kWh/ton cement



Ceramics: 513/M-IND/Kep/12/2015

Maximum specific thermal energy:

- for BIIa, BIIb, BIII: 2.4 Nm3/m2 or 120 Nm3/ton

- for Bia and Bib: 2.88 Nm3/m2 or 96 Nm3/ton

Maximum specific electric energy: 1100 kWh/ton product

- for BIIa, BIIb, BIII: 2.25 kWh/m2 or 112.5 kWh/ton

- for Bia and Bib: 2.7 kWh/m2 or 90 kWh/ton

Want to know more about this policy ? Learn more (Indonesian)