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Heating Costs Ordinance

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The purpose of the Heating Costs Ordinance, which is based on the Energy Savings Act (EnEG), is the creation ofincentives to encourage economical use of energy by means of consumption-based metering and billing of heatingand water heating usage. With the coming into force of the revised version of the Ordinance on 1 January2009 the consumption-based component of the billing of heating costs increased to 70 % for certain buildings.This should create additional incentives for energy-saving and thus also for reduction of CO2 emissions in thebuildings sector. In addition building owners are obliged to record, for connected heating systems by 1 January 2014 at the latest, the percentage of energy consumption accounted for by water heating, in principle by meansof a heat meter. In addition the provisions of the Heating Costs Ordinance create an incentive to comply with the so-called low-energy building standard (thermal heat requirement of less than 15 kWh/M ²) in the constructionor redevelopment of apartment buildings.

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