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Mining Industry Decalogue to promote Woman's incorporation in the sector

Last updated: 27 October 2022

The Chilean National Woman and Mining Roundtable was created in 2018, led by the Ministry of Mines and the Ministry of Woman and Gender Equality. Members include representatives from different mining companies, trade unions, and private associations.

The working table promotes the public-private discussion about gender equality and specific progress in the mining industry. Its principal goals are: (i) having adequate working conditions for men and women: (ii) increasing female participation in the mining industry; and (iii) increasing the presence of women in decision-making positions.

In November of 2018, the Roundtable established a Mining Industry Decalogue to promote the the participation of women in the sector and to promote the balance among professional, familiar, and personal life. The members of the working table have committed to: 

  1. Promote women's participation in the mining industry;
  2. Apply best practices that allow a balance between professional and personal life;
  3. Promote the Chilean Standard on Gender Equality and Balance of Work, Family and Personal Life (NCh3262), as a guideline that allows addressing equality between men and women within organisations;
  4. Promote the inclusion of women in trade unions, promoting female leadership through the provision of tools that allow women to participate in equal conditions to men;
  5. Promote the presence of women in decision-making positions, eliminating selection biases and preparing professionals to fill these positions;
  6. Move towards an inclusive organisational culture that geared towards diversity, raising awareness and permanently training people at all levels of companies on gender issues;
  7. Have adequate infrastructure for a mixed workforce in optimal conditions of safety, hygiene, and comfort;
  8. Promote the return to work of men and women after the exercise of parental leave, in an environment of integration and without affecting their career possibilities;
  9. Work with higher education institutions and technical and professional training centres to encourage women to study careers related to mining; and
  10. Contribute to sustainability and local development through work with women who are part of the area of ​​influence in mining operations, promoting ventures and/or tasks related to mining.

The following are relevant working table achievements: 

  • 2019: Working with high schools and other education centres to promote woman involvement in mining careers. Promote internships for women in mining companies.
  • 2020: Launched best practices in gender equality for the mining sector. Participation in economic reactivation working tables to promote female labour inclusion in the post-pandemic period. 
  • 2021: Subscription of the national agreement to increase female participation in the mining industry. Twenty-eight private organisations and companies’ members of the working table signed this agreement. The main commitments are: (i) Annually measure gender equality measure progress; (ii) Organise representative panels, with at least 30% participation of men or women. Avoiding to leave women in a role solely of a moderator; and (iii) Following the working table criteria, identifying internal company positions dominated by men and carrying out affirmative actions to incorporate more women into them.

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