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National Mining Policy

Last updated: 2 November 2022

In January of 2022, the Government launched the National Mining Policy 2050. This is a roadmap for the industry and the government. This policy is a product of two years of work in which representatives from private companies, academia, NGOs and civil organisations participated.

The roadmap seeks to develop a safe, diverse and inclusive industry, and to build a mining sector that improves workers' quality of life, integrates harmoniously in the territories where it operates and adds value to the country.

The policy’s goals are organised by sustainable objectives:

Economic: Be a global leader in responsible, sustainable, competitive and innovative production with world-class standards.

  • Be a global leader in the sustainable production of minerals, promoting a low-carbon economy and protecting people and the environment.
  • Generate an industry at the forefront of innovation and development.
  • Increase sustainable productivity and competitiveness of the mining industry.

Social: Improve the quality of life of workers, develop harmoniously in the operating territories and add value to the communities and the country.

  • Have quality and inclusive jobs with high safety standards.
  • Develop projects in collaboration with local communities and indigenous people.
  • Protect heritage in operating territories.

Environmental: Stand at the forefront of managing resources and the environment, addressing its impacts, and generating net gain in biodiversity.

  • Lead the circular economy model through the reuse of waste and efficient use of resources.
  • Lead the adaptation and mitigation of climate change, achieving carbon neutrality in the sector by 2040. 
  • Minimise environmental effects by harmonising the development of mining activity with the environment.

Institutional: The government creates the conditions for sustainable development of the industry through stable institutions, creating a conducive environment and providing guarantees for attracting investment.

  • Have a modern, transparent institutional framework with efficient management, ensuring the development of the industry for the benefit of the country.
  • Have a legal framework for the mining sector for long-term sustainable development.
  • Promote the valorisation of mining by society.
  • Strengthen the promotional framework aimed at the sustainability of small‐ and medium‐scale mining, taking advantage of all wealth in the country. 
  • Strengthen Codelco and Enami as state-owned companies and international benchmarks.

Furthermore, this roadmap has specific goals regarding improving gender equality: 

  • Specific Goal 20: Achieve female participation in the industry to account for at least 20% by 2030 and 35% by 2050, and begin to measure participation in medium and small mining.
  • Specific Goal 21: Achieve female participation in managerial positions to account for at least 25% by 2030 and 40% by 2050, and start to measure participation in medium and small mining.
  • Specific Goal 22: 100% of the medium and large companies in the sector will have policies of diversity and inclusion, reconciliation of work, family and personal life.

Want to know more about this policy ? Learn more