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RePowerEU Plan : Joint European action on renewable energy and energy efficiency

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 30 January 2024

The REPowerEU Plan proposed by the European Commission aims at rapidly decreasing the European Union's dependency on Russian fossil fuels.

Measures related to renewable energy and energy efficiency include:

  • Increasing EU’s 2030 target to 45% renewables in the EU mix, up from the current target of 40% (an additional 169GW to the Fitfor55 2030 target of 1067 GW)
  • Accelerating the rollout of PV energy, with a dedicated EU Solar Energy Strategy, aiming to deploy over 320 GW of new solar photovoltaic by 2025, and almost 600 GW by 2030
  • Introducing the European Solar Rooftop Initiative, which is anchored around a legally binding EU solar rooftop obligation for certain categories of buildings
  • Aiming at doubling the current deployment rate of individual heat pumps, to reach 10 million cumulative units over 2023-2027
  • Decarbonising the industry by accelerating the switch to electrification and renewable hydrogen and enhancing our low-carbon manufacturing capabilities
  • Speeding up renewables' permit to minimize the time for the roll-out of renewable projects and grid infrastructure improvements, through the revising of the Renewable Energy Directive proposal which will designate renewable energy as an overriding public interest and introduce the designation of 'go-to' areas
  • Increasing the EU’s 2030 binding energy savings target to 13% (up from 9% in the Energy Efficiency Directive)

In May 2022, the EU Commission launched calls for clean energy infrastructure projects to support the REPowerEU Plan, worth EUR 800 million, with an emphasis on cross-border EU energy infrastructure projects, under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Energy. The call is open to projects under the list of Projects of Common Interest, published in November 2021. 

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