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Multiannual Planning for Energy

Last updated: 31 October 2022

The Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie (Multiannual Planning for Energy) policy is a ten-year strategic plan designed to orient the development of the energy sector in mainland France, at the national and regional scales.

Every five years, the policy is updated and expanded to cover the following five years. The policy must be compatible with the carbon emissions budgets France has committed to in the Stratégie nationale bas-carbone (Low-Carbon National Strategy). The Planning has ramifications in more specific strategies and planning policies, including the Stratégie nationale de recherche énergétique (National Strategy on Energy Research). The Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie (Multiannual Planning for Energy) details orientations for production of energy, consumption targets, research on energy, security issues related to infrastructure and supply chains. In particular, the Planning has a sidebar (n. 12) dedicated to the implications of the energy transition in terms of resources and critical minerals. 
This policy considers critical minerals in the economic and security dimensions of the energy transition, predicting an increasing demand and competition on international markets, causing rising prices and less stable supplies. The policy also highlights the rising environmental costs of mineral extraction and transformation, which are difficult to regulate for consumer countries such as France.

The Planning also entails a legal obligation (n. 5.4) for EDF, the national electricity producer, to maintain a strategic reserve of uranium for nuclear production. EDF must also ensure the optimal maintenance of the fuel cycle equipment and available storage capacities.

Want to know more about this policy ? Learn more (French)