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Notice Further Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessments and Management of Coal Resource Development

Last updated: 27 April 2022

This notice was issued by the Ministry of Ecology, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration. It establishes a policy framework to promote coordinated development of coal resources and environmental protection.


The notice standardizes and optimizes environmental assessments and environmental management. It deepens the “Fang Guan Fu” (放管服) reform, which transforms government functions, streamlines administrative procedures, and improves regulations and public services. Furthermore, it solves outstanding problems in the industry in a coordinated manner and strengthens follow-up actions and supervision. 

The notice pays particular attention to methane emissions. It emphasizes the need to increase the utilization rate of coal mine methane and to control greenhouse gas emissions. Coal and gas mines should undertake gas extraction and deploy comprehensive gas utilization systems. In particular, it encourages the exploration and comprehensive utilization of ventilation air methane and other gas flows with a methane concentration of 2% (inclusive) to 8%. Drained gas with a methane concentration equal or above 8% should be comprehensively utilized on the premise of ensuring safety.

Want to know more about this policy ? Learn more