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National Promotion of Eco Driving

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Japanese government, as part of its call for increased energy efficiency in the transport sector, has taken measures to promote ECO driving, to positively affect peoples driving habits. Several relevant ministries have joined to form a meeting body, the Eco-Drive Promotion Liaison Committee, involving four concerned ministries and agencies: the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and Ministry of the Environment (MOE) in FY 2003. The Liaison Committee formulated the "Eco Drive 10 Advices" and "Soft Acceleration, e-Start" for a slow start campaign for drivers.

Following these actions, in June 2006, the action plan was declared and the concrete measures were declared as follows:

(1) Review of the definition of energy-saving driving, and determination of effective use,

(2)Dissemination and educational activities for energy-saving driving,

(3) Dissemination and promotion of an energy-saving driving support system,

(4)Establishment of an evaluation system for energy-saving driving,

(5) Inter-organ efforts involving municipalities and concerned organisations,

(6) Survey required for dissemination and promotion of energy-saving driving.

The latest eco-driving national campaign was held in November, 2014.

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