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Renewable Energies Heat Act

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG) aims to increase the share of renewable energies in heat provision to 14% by 2020. The Act makes the use of renewable energy for space and hot water heating mandatory for new buildings. It also stipulates budget requirements to this end for the Market Stimulation Programme. While the Act applies only to new buildings, it leaves room for individual German States to enact policies addressing the existing building stock. Owners of buildings that are to be newly erected are obliged by the EEWärmeG to use a certain percentage of renewable energy for heating purposes (water and space heating). The minimum percentage depends on the renewable energy technology used. Various alternative measures are also permitted: - Energy Saving Regulation (EnEV) requirements for buildings must be increased by15%; - At least 50% of energy for heating purposes must be supplied by combined heat and power (CHP); - Energy supply by a district heating network, if heating is generated mainly by the use of renewable energy technologies, waste heat or CHP.

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