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Energy Efficiency Grants for Households - SZT-EN-1 and SZT-LA-2 Programmes

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 7 October 2019

To modernise the large number of poorly insulated housing blocks, Hungary launched a reconstruction programme (the SZT-EN-1 Programme) within the Szecheni Plan. The programme offers a non-reimbursable grant (of up to Ft 60 000 per apartment) to people wishing to make energy efficiency investments (for example, in heating reconstruction, additional insulation and window and door replacements) in their houses.


In 2001, the Energy Centre supported around 4 000 applications; total grants amounted to Ft 1.51 billion. In 2002 out of 8 400 applications 7 900 were supported (the rest were not because of lack of available grant) and may reached Ft 2 475 billion for 2002.


Additional support is available through the National Energy Efficiency Programme. This programme is also managed by the Energy Centre and the available amount for the year 2003 is Ft 2.97 billion. The SZT-LA 2 Programme offers non-refundable grants to carry out energy efficient renovations in residential buildings made with prefabricated technology and for retrofitting of company buildings with industrial technology (block houses). In 2001, total grants amounted to Ft 2 billion.